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Sacred Body

New moons bring the opportunity for renewal, to step closer to who we want to be. This new moon is in the earth sign of Virgo. After the emotional roller-coater of the last full moon you can welcome some relief and spiritual reflection.

Virgo energy is all about detoxing and restoring order so take steps towards a healthier body. This can be simple easy steps that aren’t too demanding and any little change with bring great benefits.

The moon’s square with Mars in Gemini brings the opportunity to embrace a playful, romantic as well as intelligent outlook. This will infuse relationships on all levels with vitality and will also progress projects, plans and the energy of the home

Treat your body with reverence and the mind, heart and spirit will follow.

With Love,
Danae Moon Thorp

A Spell

Anoint your chakras with rosemary diluted in base oil.

Place a pinch of salt in your shoes.

Carve a pentagram and place under pillow.



Danae Moon Thorp
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