Becoming the Witch: the Art of Magick
(Published October 2021)
The Book takes the reader to the fascinating world of the Witch, to her sacred thinking, to her heart, to her ways of creating a magickal life. The voice in the book is the Witch herself. Through her, an enchanting, powerful world is explored: the myths, the moon, familiars, the fae and Nature are at the core of this realm.
I am a Witch demystifies the magnificent archetype of the Witch and her art, reminding the reader that ‘she’ exists in everyone and is part of the global movement returning us to honour the spirit of Earth and the sacred feminine.
Turn the pages of I am a Witch to understand magick, to know where to find it, ways to create it and how to weave it into the fabric of life.
Murphy Hailstone: In her Bones
(Work in Progress)
Murphy Hailstone: in Her Bones is a ghost story where boundaries between the living and the dead are blurred. It is an adventure into a haunted house full of twists and turns. Thirteen-year-old Murphy is a medium who discovers the truth of friendship, the depth of grief and the power of magic, in this coming of age tale.
Witch's Dream Book (2003)
Witch's Spell Book (2003)
Witch's Diary and Calendar
These diaries and calendars include magick knowledge of the moon phases, the witch’s sabbats and symbolism. I created them for the Southern Hemisphere.